The Warrior WivesĀ Blog

Empowering Military Families & Wives: Navigating challenges, offering support, and sharing inspiring stories for a resilient and connected community.

Music's Eyes

dorothy bonvillain Mar 13, 2024
Music's Eyes

 If you’ve ever loved a horse, this story is for you. And if you’ve ever peered into the eyes of a beloved horse with focused intention, he/she will indeed tell you all you need to know. 

On this day, I purposefully went out to the pasture to spend quality time with Music.

In my hand, was my favorite Irish poet’s (David Whyte) amazing book, “Still Possible.”

My intent was to test my theory that reading poetry could have a positive effect on our horse’s wounded spirit. He was grieving the loss of his 20-year companion, Cherokee.  

I was specifically looking to ‘read’ how he was handling this devastating loss. When I arrived by his side, Music immediately connected with me through pleading eyes, as if to ask, “What happened to my best life-friend?” Even though I’d long known a horse’s eyes are windows to their soul, today’s experiment would bring me a whole new level of understanding. Note: This photo conveys Music’s deep sadness at the loss of his beloved friend.

A close up of a horse's eye

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First, I gently brushed him with loving strokes, talked directly to him with reassurance, and then rewarded him with his favorite treat – slices of fresh apple.  Next, I threw him a flake of hay to munch while settling down on the stair step to read him poetry. As I read, I keenly observed what his deep brown, warm, wonderful, expressive eyes might convey to me. The cadence of the poetry, softly delivered to him, was well-received through alert, forward-leaning ears.

As I peered into Music’s eyes, he leaned in with his forequarters in a welcoming gesture aligned with the calming cadence of the poetry. While leaning in, Music nudged me with his face and whinnied softly. My initial thought was he possessed the most gorgeous, expressive eyes ever witnessed…kind, telling, sensitive, loving, and caring. Unexpectedly, I realized this exchange was the next right step toward a rocky, uncertain recovery process for both of us.  

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