The Warrior WivesĀ Blog

Empowering Military Families & Wives: Navigating challenges, offering support, and sharing inspiring stories for a resilient and connected community.

Wind Beneath My Wings

Oct 16, 2024
Daddy - Dorothy Bonvillain's Father

A Very Special Gift


One of my heart-goals for the New Year 2024 was to return to writing my stories. 

Today is my birthday; thus, I’m inspired to write a short story about my beloved Daddy.

I guess no matter how old I get, he will always be Daddy to me; not Dad or Father – Daddy.


In late 1980s, Frank was posted to the American Embassy in the Sultanate of Oman. Our sons and I accompanied him on this exotic adventure. We had access to American music, and I’ll never forget how each time I’d hear Bette Midler sing her new song, “Wind Beneath My Wings” Daddy’s face would magically appear as a mirage before my eyes. Each time I’d hear it, this happened, so for his Father’s Day gift 1989, I recorded this beautiful song (link below) and mailed a CD with a note inside telling him of his consistent apparition upon hearing it. My note told him how special he was, how grateful I was for his unwavering love and belief in me, and how this would forever be our song. Mother said when he received the CD, he’d sit in the living room and play it over & over again. listening; letting the words & deeper message soak into his cells and DNA. She said she’d never seen Daddy appreciate any gift more. 


Perhaps it was because I was on the other side of the world when I sent it…or perhaps, it was because I’d never told him before that he was my hero. Daddy truly was the wind beneath my wings. I’m thankful I stopped long enough to record this special song which conjured up images in my mind that led me to create such a cherished Father’s Day gift for him.


I had the JOY of personally singing this song to him in front of all his friends and family at his 90th birthday party…and even though I can’t not carry a tune in a bag, Daddy lit up like a Christmas tree; so precious! 


My gift to YOU is to remind you to make the effort to let people in your life know how much you love and appreciate them. Tell them they make a difference in your life. Don’t just think it, tell them. And be specific. This will mean more to them than you can imagine!


“Wind Beneath My Wings”


God bless you as you sleep & when you wake. Dorothy


THE Warrior Wives Blog

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