Aug 21, 2024Are YOU seeking clarity on your next right step – the way forward?
Here are key questions to ask yourself:
- What makes me laugh?
- What makes me cry?
- What makes my heart sing?
Then search deeper….
- Where did I come from?
- Where am I going?
- What advice would I give myself on my eighteenth birthday?
Then go deeper still:
- WHO did God create me to be?
- WHAT did God create me to do?
Today, looking back, I view life in trimesters: age 0-30; 30-60; & 60-90+.
Unfortunately, I didn’t ask myself these deeper questions until my Third Thirty. I’m sharing them with you for you to ask them of yourself much earlier in life, although, if you’re my contemporary, it’s never too late!
My breakthrough was unexpected. It was January 2012. I had been researching International Coaching Association’s (ICA) certification requirements; had already paid the fee to begin their program the following Monday; but on Friday, a random ad introducing the newly formed John Maxwell Team (JMT) for Coaching and Leadership Training magically popped up on my computer! It captured my attention and resounded in my heart, then God whispered, “This is the time. These are your people.”
John is ranked one of the top ten leadership experts worldwide, but more importantly, he’s the real deal. He knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. JMT has proven to be the best investment I ever made in myself, to include earning my PhD. I’ve learned much from Maxwell and his world-class faculty. He taught me to ask deeper questions.
“Leadership is influence; nothing more, mothing less.”
Dr Dorothy Guy Bonvillain - Helping Military Families Around the World
I welcome your insight and ideas:
#militaryspouses, #militaryfamilies, #military, #love, #rolemodel, #service, #loss, #resilience, #kindness, #warrior, #home, #commitment, #unwaiveringfaith, #oldfriends, #family, #determination, #funnygirl, #lifefriends